"Hope is the Thing with Feathers"
My Senior Thesis Exhibit, along with work by Mariwyn, Brooke and Alex, was this past Saturday. The opening reception was wonderful as there was a rather large turn out. I believe all of us in the exhibit fully achieved our goals and put on a fabulous show. I'm so proud to be a part of this group.

Photoshop Digital Mock-Up
For my Senior Thesis I created a multi-media installation piece centered around the themes "Hope" and "Freedom." It was created in promotion for Not For Sale Campaign (notforsalecampaign.org) An open-source organization commited to reabolishing slavery.
This piece is 21 feet wide, constructed of Sintra (PVC foam), Acetate, Wood, Acrylics, and Gold Leaf. It was designed as a kinetic sculpture operated by a gear motor.

Unfortunately we had some trouble with the motor overheating. It shut itself off just minutes before the opening reception and we couldn't turn it back on since the manual reset was located on the motor at the top of the skylight. A few people did get to see the wings in action though, and I did manage to capture some video. For the most part though, we have decided to leave the wings stationary. It functions just as well as a static installation piece.

This is stunning- I searched "Hope is a thing with feathers" in google and this showed up.